
This Cat Has WILD Skin Lesions - Spoiler Alert: It's a Fungal Infection!

I got this case through my Pocket Pathologist telecytology service recently and I've been dying to share it with you. 

This is an FIV+, outdoor tom cat that showed up 3 weeks ago with large granulated wounds around head, ears, and neck. There was minimal improvement after 2 weeks of antibiotics. 

LOOK AT THIS CAT. It looks like he's wearing a skin scarf!!


They did a swab of the skin and this is what we saw under the scope...

This, my friend, is Cryptococcus!

Cryptococcus is a dimorphic fungus. Animals breathe in the mycelial form from the environment and then it turns into the yeast form (which we see here) once at body temperature. The yeast can then wreak havoc on the body. 

Cytologically, these yeasts have unique characteristics:

  • Yeasts are variable sizes
  • They have a thick, clear capsule
  • They exhibit narrow-based budding

The combo of these features lets us confidently diagnose Cryptococcosis in this kitty. 

I don't have follow up so I can't tell you what became of him. But it's so great they did the cytology and got an answer!