The Cytologic Algorithm

A Free Live, 2-Day Workshop 

When: November 17-18 at 8 PM CST

Where: Facebook Live in the Cyto Coffeehouse group

Don't know where to start with cytology?  

You're not alone! In this free workshop you'll learn how to approach cytology at a fundamental (but practical!) level.

Each day includes a 30 minute live lesson and corresponding event workbook. So, you don't need to commit a ton of time to up your cyto game! 

By signing up here, you'll be sent the workbook and reminders about the workshop as it gets closer.

Count Me In!

In This Workshop We Will Cover...

Inflammatory patterns

Learn how to tell what kinds of inflammatory patterns are present and what that could mean for the patient. 

Three (ok, four actually) categories of neoplasia

How can you tell if a population is epithelial, mesenchymal, or round, and why does it matter? You'll find out!

How to tell if a population is malignant

The big question is always, "is this malignant", because malignancy means potential badness for the patient. Learn what clues we use in cyto-world to tell. 

This Workshop Is For You If...

➞ You're a veterinarian or veterinary technician/nurse who spends any time behind your microscope


➞ You don't know where to start when you put a slide on your microscope


➞ You're ready to impress yourself and your friends with your cyto skills

I'm Down, Count me in

Have We Met Yet? 

Hey there! I'm Dr. Baker, a board-certified veterinary clinical pathologist with a passion for helping vet professionals grow in their cytology and hematology skills.


A few years ago, I realized how effective (and fun) social media can be for teaching tough topics like cytology, so I started the Veterinary Cytology Coffeehouse Facebook group as well as my Insta account, @clinpathkate. 


Offering free workshops like this is one of my favorite things, and past workshops have been a big hit! In fact, the last one I hosted had 5,000 sign ups and around 1,000 live attendees. It just warms my little nerdy heart to know you care so much about upping your knowledge in this super important area of vet med.



So, I hope you'll join us for this brand new free workshop and get your learn on with a bunch of other vet med nerds!

Count me in

Starting In...